Governor’s Grove Homeowners Association
Board of Directors Meeting
January 30, 2013
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m. by the President of the Board, Harvey Johnson with board members Sandye Blalock (Secretary), Sharon Voss Northrop (Community Relations/LARC) and Chris Ryden (Vice President) forming a quorum, and Armstrong Management Representative Charity Avé-Lallemant were in attendance. Jason Knapp (Treasurer) was not in attendance. No other committee members were present. One resident, Scott Pearl, attended.
APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: The minutes from the regularly scheduled board meeting on November 1 were reviewed and approved. The minutes from the special November 29, 2012 meeting were also reviewed and approved.
- Reserve Study – The compiled questions regarding the draft reserve study were reviewed and approved to be sent to the company.
- Annual Audit – The board requested and received a detailed package from Armstrong, through Charity, detailing their extensive internal controls. After reviewing the package (included in board packages emailed in advance and printed for the meeting), the board is satisfied that controls are reasonable and acceptably in place for due diligence of protecting our assets. A review of internal control procedures in place at Armstrong will be an annual action item to be performed by the board to ensure turnover of board members all remain current and aware of processes. The board re-reviewed and approved the audit memo for record.
- Phased Irrigation Installation Plan – Board review of prior draft bids Harvey had received from Superior and Affordable irrigation companies back in Sept 2011. These quotes were for phase I (the tree line on the south side of the asphalt path by the pond between east and west entrances) and phase II (both tree lines between the east entrance to the gazebo area). Discussion of contracts and details on liability. Sharon volunteered to contact the two companies to get updated quotes as well as a third quote and draft requirements for the irrigation project and submit to Charity who will gather bids. Sharon stated she would attempt to have completed by March 18th to include in the Mar 28 meeting package. Sharon offered to work with the Grounds Committee on a phased tree replacement/add plan will be overlaid and timed with water irrigation installations. Discussion of need to possibly have Bartlett Tree advise on proper tree replacement as well as repair the improper installation of many trees they noted have dirt/mulch too high on the tree collars which is damaging the trees.
- Common Area Land & Trees -
- Springfield Nursery Inc contract – SNI president and property manager walked the Governors Grove property with Sandye to review areas for improvements, edits to contract, additional work needed. Bid to approve erosion issue behind 5631 Governors Pond Cir was reviewed and approved by the board and will involve a 16 by 20 ft 6x6 timber retaining wall with a 12 inch drain toward the existing culvert and ditch. To be funded by Reserve funds. The week prior to this meeting, SNI performed two days of work with a large crew trimming holly trees and additional shrubs for the spring, cutting down weeds across from the tennis courts an additional 15 ft deep to clear to the now marked property lines, cleared thorns along the path from tennis court to pond, extensive clearing and chipper/shredding of common areas along the tree lines where vines and fallen limb debris had taken over. Trash cans are being emptied every 2 weeks. Spring flowers and extension of front entrance flower beds will be accomplished when weather warms up.
- Fallen trees behind 5614 Governors Pond Cir were removed including the large ones hanging over a single family home’s fence. New saplings were installed by SNI. Storm damage trees including two fallen plums were removed by SNI and Care of Trees.
- Action Items update – Chris provided and update that he has all the equipment and parts needed to install a new lock on the tennis court and he and Jason plan to clean and move picnic tables (1-2 closer to dog park) but is waiting for good weather. Charity to update the action item list:
- The dog park installation is completed.
- The update of the two items noted above by Chris. and the SNI erosion project; and the irrigation project; dying tree behind 5663 Governors Pond Cir (reported at the annual meeting) is being monitored for future removal.
- Get bids and installing a water spigot with locks at each entrance to make it easier to clean the entrance area brick annually.
- Get bids for repair of gazebo which needs rotting wood repaired, caulk and re-painting. Check for prices for treated wood vs composite wood replacements.
- Update outstanding items from Nov 1 minutes: Charity to get prices for repairs to tennis court net and prices for dredging the pond.
- Bond insurance expires Mar 2013. Charity to bid out insurance quotes.
- LARC violations – Board members need to review Sharon’s draft checklist created to standardize walk-through inspections. As ArmstrongConnect’s software upgrade is causing access issues, the board was unable to review and confirm that 3rd violation notices were mailed but Charity noted they should have been mailed within the past day or two. Hearing notices require 30 days to comply or be at the scheduled board meeting for a hearing. The Armstrong violation team would like the board to use Word rather than Excel spreadsheets; but the board switched to spreadsheets to provide tracking of data that was submitted to Armstrong as the board and Armstrong’s records of violations are rarely in agreement. Outstanding tracking issues still need to be resolved.
- Governors Hill Delinquent Storm Water Pond Maintenance Payments to Governors Grove – Governors Hill remains several years delinquent in making payments to Governors Grove for annual payment as well as their agreed to costs for pond maintenance as established by the developers. Discussion of the repair work accomplished by Swamp Inc and the board agreed to remove charging Governors Hill a percentage of that work as it only affected water runoff from Governors Grove residents and not Governors Hill. The board agrees to schedule a meeting with Governors Hill’s board. Charity is to contact their management company regarding the bill adjustment and require the remaining balance of their delinquent bill be paid within 60 days. Board approved sending this to legal for collection if not paid within 60 days. Charity to also ask legal about the possibility of attaching a lien somehow or info on other legal options.
- 2013 Calendar of Meetings and Events: Next board meetings at Armstrong’s office are Mar 28, May 22, Jul 25, annual meeting of homeowners is Sept 26th, and board meeting Nov 7, 2013. Coordinate with Sheilah Harrison to post the spring and fall garage sale dates, spring Landscape and Architectural Committee (LARC) inspection May 5, Earth Day – Community Clean-up day April 22, National Night-Out Day Aug 6.
- In Jason’s absence, Charity provided a treasurer’s review of our account.
HOMEOWNER INQUIRIES: All inquiries were reviewed discussed; no board actions needed at this time.
EXECUTIVE SESSION: President Johnson moved to close General Session meeting, homeowner in attendance departed, and the board entered Executive Session.
- Delinquent HOA Dues - Review and discuss. Request updated options for possible civil suit on one – Charity to get options from legal. Harvey to contact homeowner.
- Review Allowance for Doubtful Accounts
- Resolutions –
- Sharon proposed edits to the recently approved Parking Resolution. Board agrees to correct typos; discussion needed as legal would have to approve substantive edits at an additional cost.
- The Board approved the Resolutions for Electronic Notification as recommended by Charity at the previous meeting as this will cut down on mailing costs. Residents may opt out by writing to Armstrong specifically requesting to receive documents in writing rather than electronically but the default would then be electronic notifications.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:57 p.m.