October 2, 2013
Clermont Elementary School (Cafeteria)
5720 Clermont Drive
Alexandria, VA 22310
Board Members Present: Harvey Johnson, Chris Ryden, Bill Powell, Jason Knapp. Armstrong Representative: Charity Ave-Lallemant
Quorum: Charity Ave- Lallemant verified that a quorum of Governors Grove homeowners (or their proxies) was present.
Elections: Three Board members were proposed as candidates for re-election: Harvey Johnson, Bill Powell and Scott Pearl. Following discussion, a motion was offered from the floor to approve the full slate in a single vote. Following a second, the motion was approved. All three were unanimously elected to serve on the board. Harvey Johnson was elected to a three-year position; Scott Pearl to a two-year position and Bill Powell to complete the full one-year term. A follow-on meeting of the board members will occur in November to determine among themselves who will serve which position on the board:
Annual Minutes: The homeowners reviewed of last year's minutes, and voted to accept last year's minutes without edit.
Administrative Discussion: President Harvey Johnson provided welcoming comments to open the meeting. He noted that this was the first meeting at the Cameron United Methodist Church, a site selected for greater convenience of the homeowners. The benefit seemed apparent as the meeting was well attended.
- Harvey Johnson, in the President's Report, provided an overview of the Board accomplishments and neighborhood improvements during the year. He noted the new contracts for landscaping services, irrigation services, snow removal services and arbor services. These new vendors would bring new energy to address the needs and desires of the community. He also provided an informational discussion of the recently accepted Reserve Study - accomplished every five years - highlighting the updates and implications for funding, dues and responsibility of the current Board and current homeowners to ensure that resources would be available for significant work to be accomplished in future years. He noted the recent improvement in the maintenance of homes as a result of LARC efforts, and that property values were increasing.
- Chris Ryden, Vice President, provided an overview of a number of projects: establishment of a dog park, repair of the bricks and woodwork of the gazebo, efforts to power wash the equipment at the tot lot and power washing of the brickwork at both the east and west entrances. He discussed the tennis court and the work that would be needed to make additional repairs. He noted that the rules governing the use of the dog park had been included in the advance mail package for the Annual Meeting.
- Chris Ryden, as Chairman of the Landscape and Architectural Committee (LARC) discussed the Board's completion of the annual home inspection. He noted the improved appearance of the community. He noted that the LARC Inspection Checklist and Process Standard had also been included in the advance mail package for the Annual Meeting.
- Bill Powell, as Chairman of the Grounds Committee, provided discussion of the recently signed contracts for irrigation and arbor services. He described the areas that would be included in the new irrigation systems, and as well provided information on the tree removal and pruning work that was expected to be accomplished in early 2014. These two new contracts represented a major initiative to improve the overall appearance of the community. Looking forward to 2014, he described two initiatives: planting of new trees, and an exploration to determine the work that would need to be accomplished to improve the condition of the pond.
- Jason Knapp, Treasurer, provided a very detailed and descriptive discussion of the Operating Budget, the Reserve Account, and the investment portfolio. He described the driving elements of the Reserve Study and the rationale that would guide annual contributions to the Reserve Fund. This discussion provided the foundation to further describe the need to raise homeowner dues until such point as the Reserve Fund was sufficient for future needs.
- Officer Jim Reid, Fairfax County Police, provided a summary of recent crime statistics and offered a number of safety tips for all homeowners. He passed out a flyer and cards that contained the non-emergency phone number. He responded to a number of questions regarding home security systems and solicitors who sometimes canvassed the neighborhood.
New Business:
- Governors Grove Website: There were questions and discussion regarding the quality of the Governors Grove community web site. The Board indicated an intent to review and improve the web site during the coming year.
- Screens around major drains: An issue was raised concerning the open space and potential access around some of the major storm drains. The Board accepted the issue as one to explore.
- Approved 2014 Operating Budget: The Board introduced and provided discussion of the key elements of the 2015 Operating Budget that had been approved by the Board. The Budget included a two-percent increase in homeowner dues.
Adjournment: Having accomplished the full agenda, the annual meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:50 PM.
Adjournment: Once election results were announced, the annual meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
September 29, 2011
Clermont Elementary School (Cafeteria)
5720 Clermont Drive
Alexandria, VA 22310
Board Members Present: Thurmon Deloney, Harvey Johnson, Sandye Blalock and Rick Cooper.
Armstrong Representative: Susan Manch
Quorum: Sharon Manch verified that a quorum of Governors Grove homeowners (or their proxy’s) was present.
Elections: Three volunteer candidates applied for the three vacant board positions: Chris Ryden, Sandye Blalock, and Jason Knapp. Thurmon appointed Anathan Gounder and Oscar Benitez as election inspectors. Susan Manch collected the ballots, which were tallied. All three volunteers were elected to serve on the board. Based on the vote tally, Sandye Blalock and Jason Knapp were elected to the two three-year positions, and Chris Ryden was elected to the two-year position. A follow-on meeting of the board members will occur on October 4 to determine among themselves who will serve which position on the board.
Annual Minutes: The homeowners reviewed of last year’s minutes, and voted to accept last year’s minutes without edit.
Committee Reports:
Neighborhood Watch: Led by Andrew and Sharon Northrop. Andrew recapped safety tips and discussion of recent break-ins and attempts on a Saturday afternoon. Police have not released any info on this investigation yet. Also, he noted regular attempts at auto break-ins. Officer James Reid of Fairfax County Crime Prevention came to update homeowners and answer homeowners’ questions. He advised homeowners that if they see a crime, attempted break-in or suspicious activity, to call 911. He stated if they see solicitors, or people on the playground or tennis courts that do not live at Governors Grove, to call the non-emergency line at 703-691-2131. Officer Reid’s e-mail is: More information is available at Homeowners can sign up online to get emails of public safety events and crime summaries.
Landscape and Architectural Committee (LARC): Sharon Northrop (present) and Holly Worthington (out of town). Sharon discussed walkthroughs to ensure homes and landscaping are maintained is good condition as this helps maintain the value of our homes and safety as keeping lampposts working is part of home inspections. Applications are required prior to modifications of townhomes and any landscaping in accordance with by-laws and guidelines, which are posted online. Fines will be levied after 3rd violation notice. LARC Guidelines and applications for modifications are posted on Armstrong Connect and on (arrow down the left side to documents and forms.) Susan discussed state statutes regarding due process of imposing fines, which includes the 3-violation notice process, and fines of up to $10 per day until repairs are made or unauthorized alteration is removed. Fines can also be levied for commercial vehicles on the property. Thurmon and Harvey discussed updates to guidelines and violation letter process.
Common Area Landscaping: Harvey Johnson discussed the 2009 updates to the west entrance, 2010 improvements of additional irrigation sprinklers on the corner of Grovehurst Pl. and Governors Pond Cir., and the Board’s 2011 focus on resurfacing the tennis court, to include landscaping and irrigation around the tennis court. There will also be irrigation added between the East and West Entrances along the walking path and from the East Entrance up to the gazebo. These additions will be to improve the grass and trees in these areas as some drought years have damaged the trees originally planted. Homeowners requested notification in advance of aeration so that sprinkler heads could be marked with paint around the area. Homeowners discussed options over the current application of pesticides and chemicals. The Board is still researching; Harvey requests e-mailing him with any information on commercially viable alternatives to pesticides.
President’s Report: Thurmon Deloney discussed:
- The change from 3 to 5 board members as voted by homeowners.
- Snow removal changes based on homeowner feedback, to include:
- eliminating the sand barrels as they weren’t being used by homeowners,
- re-detailing areas for sand and de-icing by concentrating on problem areas and
- homeowner discussion regarding the need to keep storm drains open so melting water can flow and not dam up and re-freeze at night.
- Update on Dewberry Burgundy Woods development adjacent to Governors Grove (located behind 5652 – 5614 Governors Pond Cir.)
- Update on low water pressure issue – county refuses to do anything. Most units are averaging only approximately 42 psi to the townhouse. All options seem to be exhausted so homeowner’s only recourse is to personally install a water pressure booster on their units.
- The Board is still gathering bids for street crack repair and resurfacing, which is expected to take place spring 2012.
- Abuse of visitor parking and commercial vehicles. Homeowners are not allowed to park in visitor parking as this eliminates parking for contractors being hired and guests. Commercial vehicles are not allowed to be parked outside homeowner garages. Many homeowners are in violation of parking by-laws and regulations. Violation notices will be sent out for due process and then fines will be levied.
New Business
- Future Potential Installation Of A Dog Play Area For Off-Leash Exercise: Sharon Voss Northrop gave an update for a potential location, which will likely be around the northeast corner of the pond and will use 4 ft black metal fencing and landscaping. (Not open to public, Governors Grove homeowners only.)
- Recycling Carts: a new county change will employ larger rolling recycling containers, along with deploying collection trucks with mechanical arms to empty the carts. The homeowners in attendance split approximately 50/50 in their expressed desires for or against the larger container.
Adjournment: Once election results were announced, the annual meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Clermont Elementary School (Cafeteria)
5720 Clermont Drive
Alexandria, VA 22310
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Before the meeting was called to order, Lynn Roberts, our Armstrong Management representative, made some announcements:
- To facilitate communications with Armstrong, Lynn distributed an Armstrong contact list so residents can communicate directly with specific individuals within Armstrong. However, Lynn is available at all times to assist all community residents.
- Homeowners can also make requests to management on-line through Armstrong Connect.
- Dominion Power offers insurance to homeowners for sewage line and other pipeline repairs at reasonable prices. Lynn had flyers available for distribution to those interested in pursuing this service.
COMMITTEE REPORTS: While waiting for a quorum to be established, the various Committee heads made their reports.
NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH: Sharon and Andy Northrup, Chairs. Sharon made the following announcements:
- The neighborhood had a good safety record this year after a series of robberies the preceding year. Homeowners seem to be watching out for one another and most have been more vigilant about keeping their outdoor lighting fixtures in working order. Sharon advised homeowners with security systems to register them with Fairfax County Police. She also informed the community of additional measures that were taken by the Board to enhance our security.
- Five new lights have been installed around the community in response to requests for additional lighting.
- “No Fishing” and “No Trespassing” signs have been placed around the pond and around the community. If you see violators, contact the Fairfax County police immediately.
LARC COMMITTEE: Sharon Northrup, Chair.
- The original LARC provisions have been revised and sent to all homeowners. If you have any problems or suggestions, please contact Sharon and/or the Board.
- Since the appearance of the community is important to maintain property values, violation letters have been sent to residents whose lights are not in working condition or whose property is not being properly maintained. Due process provisions available to homeowners are spelled out in the LARC regulations. Lack of compliance with the LARC regulations can end up with substantial fines.
- Irrigation has now been completed on the East and West Entrances and on Governor’s Hurst and Governor’s Pond Circle. Some homeowners have adopted the area around their homes, installed their own irrigation systems and planted trees and/or flowers in the common areas. We hope more homeowners will follow their lead.
- Irrigation has been added along the path parallel to Franconia Rd. In addition, the overgrown grasses in that area were thinned and separated.
- The Board contracted with an arborist to look at our property to assess which dead or dying trees posed a danger to homeowners and needed to be removed. Twenty-five trees were identified and removed. The Board will consider replanting trees with new ones which are sustainable in this area.
COMMUNICATIONS: Sheilah Harrison.
- Sheilah asked homeowners in attendance to update their information for the community Director. She will try to contact other homeowners for updates and then publish and distribute a new Directory to homeowners in the near future.
- The community will participate in another yard sale on September 25th
- Sheilah is trying to expand our reliable contactor list. Please let Sheilah know if you wish to recommend one.
After a quorum was established, the meeting was called to order and the President of the Board of Directors, gave his report.
SNOW REMOVAL: Dealing with last winter’s record snowfalls posed significant problems for the community and holes in our snow removal contract, such as clearing only one lane for use, were exposed. The Board is looking for new snow removal companies and intends to include more specifics in any new contract such as clearing two lanes for traffic and defining and requiring a more timely response for clearing snow.
DEWBERRY PROJECT: The Dewberry Project is back on and they intend to begin clearing the land for construction very soon. They have invited members of GG to walk the property with them and a group of homeowners expressed a desire to participate to ensure that a proper buffer zone is maintained between our properties.
WATER PRESSURE: Thurmon explained the water pressure issue and all the avenues he pursued with the fire department and county officials to try to get the water pressure problem resolved without cost to the community. Those efforts did not succeed and the cost per homeowner to install new pumps community-wide would result in a substantial assessment. Since an assessment would require a 2/3 vote of homeowners, which is unlikely given the fact that not all homeowners are experiencing a water pressure problem, the Board does not plan to take further action on this issue at this time.
Harvey Johnson informed homeowners that he had researched this issue, bought a water pressure booster pump on line for $600 and had it installed for $700. It works extremely well and has raised his PSI by 30 points. He is willing to share his research information with any interested homeowner.
LARC UPDATE: The LARC guidelines have been updated for the first time in ten years. If you have any problems with the new regulations or suggestions, please contact the Board or the LARC Committee Chair, Sharon Voss-Northrup.
PARKING: In the very near future visitor parking spaces will be clearly marked by painting the curbs of the relevant areas.
LIGHTS: In addition to the five new lights which have been added around the community, repairs to the lights at the front entrance will soon be completed.
Expansion of the Board: A motion was made by Serge Duss to expand the Board from 3 members to five. The motion was adopted. The motion will be discussed at the next Board meeting in November.
Serge also raised the issue of cars being repaired and illegally parked in the common areas. Serge made a number of motions/recommendations to strengthen the provisions in the new LARC regulations and they will also be discussed at the next Board meeting.
Other homeowners expressed their concern about too many restrictions because of a single homeowner’s abuses. Some were concerned that too many regulations would suppress home sales.
Armand Rosenberg expressed frustration that a new budget was not available for review at the annual meeting. Lynn explained that she had been ill and in the hospital and apologized for the delay. The new budget will be discussed at the November Board meeting and all residents are invited to participate. Armand also expressed concern about our reserves and suggested that issue be reviewed and that the community be advised of the results.
Owners who do not clean up after their dogs is a recurring problem. If you see and know the violators, please let the Board know so warning letters can be sent out.
Crumbling Steps: Aging and crumbling stairwell steps is a problem and homeowners would like to be advised of possible solutions that would be acceptable to the Board. Sharon will discuss with Scott Lawson, research various options and inform the Board/homeowners of acceptable remedies.
Pot Hole: The pot hole left by Dominion while installing the new lights should be repaired shortly.
Mary Hawkins’ 3-year term on the Board was expiring and two names were placed in nomination to fill her position:
Rick Cooper: Rick has a degree in physics and recently retired from IBM. He described himself as a good listener and problem solver.
Harvey Johnson: Retired from the Coast Guard after 30 years and served as Deputy Administrator of FEMA. He also described himself as a problem solver and pointed out that he has also served as Chair of the Landscaping Committee for the past two years, is well acquainted with community problems and is dedicated to keeping GG a desirable place to live.
Harvey Johnson was elected by secret ballot for a three year term. Harvey also agreed to maintain his position as Chair of the Landscaping Committee.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Thursday, September 8, 2009
Clermont Elementary School (Cafeteria)
5720 Clermont Drive
Alexandria, VA 22310
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 7:10 PM by Thurmon Deloney, President of the Governor’s Grove Board of Directors, after a quorum had been established.
OPENING REMARKS: Thurmon welcomed the members of the community who were in attendance and thanked them for their participation. We had the largest turnout ever for the annual meeting.
NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH: Sharon and Andy Northrop, Chairs
Sharon and Andy requested that a representative from the Fairfax Co. Police attend our annual meeting to update us on crime in the area and safety tips for the community. Sgt. Eggers gave a very interesting and informative presentation. The handout information that she provided on Neighborhood Watch programs and Personal Safety tips will be posted on both the Governor’s Grove and Armstrong websites. Sgt. Eggers can be reached at: 703-691-2131 or at
Some of the more interesting information that Sgt. Eggers provided is listed below:
- Fairfax County Crime Unit will come out and assess the security of your home and provide you with suggestions for improvement. Please use the number above to arrange for your safety inspection.
- Although one house in our community as well as a number of others in the area has been robbed recently, Sgt. Eggers wanted us to know our community is not located in a high crime area. If you want to see the mapping of crime in the area, go to and click “incident mapping.” The most prevalent crime is breaking into cars. The cars most often stolen in the area are older Hondas circa 1996-97.
- Sgt. Eggers is not a big fan of alarm systems which go directly to the police since the average burglary takes just eight minutes which is insufficient time for the police to get to the premises. She prefers, instead, audible alarms which neighbors can hear and signs on the property such as Beware of Dog.
- Never leave electronic system (cell phones, iPods, GPS systems) in your car. If you use suction cups to attach your GPS to the windshield, be sure to remove the marks it leaves.
- Another protection is the installation of polycarbonate film on your windows which prevents them from breaking even if smashed with a baseball bat. It is expensive but effective.
- We will post the Neighborhood Watch and Personal Safety Tips we received from Sgt. Eggers on both the Governor’s Grove and Armstrong websites
Be aware of your surroundings and if you see anything suspicious, do not hesitate to call the police. The Franconia Station is one of the best, most responsible stations in Fairfax County. Their telephone number is: 703-922-0899. Do not open your doors unless you are expecting someone.
LARC: Sharon Northrup, Chair: Sandye Blalock is relinquishing her role as Chair of the LARC Commitments related to her new job. The Board is grateful for the many years of service that Sandye provided to the community. Sharon has graciously agreed to take over the chairmanship from Sandye as well as continue her leadership on the Neighborhood Watch Committee. Sandye and Sharon have recommended changes to the LARC regulations which will be considered by the board at the next meeting and posted on our websites if and when they are approved. Sharon will identify homes with wood rot and notify homeowners of the need for repairs. Sandye has identified light fixtures to replace existing one. That information will be posted on our websites.
LANDSCAPE: Harvey Johnson, Chair, Harvey reported on the measures that have been taken this year to improve our grounds and those that are scheduled for next year and future years.
- The West front entrance has been replanted with a mix of annual and perennial plants. The East entrance will be redone next year.
- Harvey worked with an arborist to identify all dead trees on the property. The arborist identified approximately 25 dead trees and marked each so the Board can review the recommendations and create a priority list. The Board, based on recommendations from Harvey and homeowners, will methodically approve removal of those trees which pose the most imminent danger to homes in the community.
- Harvey, with Board approval, initiated an assessment for the installation of underground sprinkler systems in common area sites on the property. Four sites were identified and the Board approved moving forward on one site. Each site requires special water hooked up to Fairfax County water. The first site has been completed and some of the homeowners around the site have adopted it for beautification.
REVIEW AND APPROVAL MINUTES OF ANNUAL MEETING, 2008. The minutes from the 2008 annual meeting were approved.
NOMINATIONS: The office of President was open. Thurmon Deloney and Mr. Hayden Segel, a new homeowner submitted their names for the open seat on the Board. Thurmon was reelected to the position of President for a three year term.
PRESIDENT’S REPORT: Thurmon provided a brief report on various issues affecting our community.
- A keypad lock will be purchased and placed on the tennis court gate in order to prevent non-community use of the courts. Any homeowner will be able to call various members of the board to get the password. As soon as it has been installed Sheilah Harrison will send a blast notice to the community with the relevant information.
- As soon as we have a financial statement, the Board will let the community know of its proposal for a fee increase. The Board can approve up to a 10% increase without approval of all homeowners. It is important for the community to know that a reserve fund study completed last year indicated that our fund was under funded by 50%.
- The Dewsberry Project has been approved and is ready for construction although no work has begun to date. They are evidently running into regulatory problems. Thurmon and other members of the community have met with the Lee Co. Supervisor’s assistant’s and Tom Davis, the project manager from Courtland Homes to advise them of GG community concerns about the project. GG is especially concerned that the project will exacerbate an already serious water pressure problem. Thurmon learned that the county has promised Dewsberry water pressure of 110 psi while many areas in our community have a pressure level of 40psi. Thurmon will continue to harass Fairfax Co. about this issue and alert the fire department of our concerns as well.
- There have been a number of complaints about speeding. If you see someone speeding, try to get the license plate number and report it to the police. If you know the name and/or address of the violator, let Thurmon know so he can contact him/her.
OPEN FORUM: Due to time constraints a number of issues raised by homeowners could not be adequately addressed. Some were deferred to the next Board meeting. Among the issues raised were:
- Lighting in parking area just below the tennis court which is extremely dark.
- The use of pesticides
- Objection of homeowners to certain trees that have been marked for removal. Harvey will meet with those homeowners.
- Loose dogs: A number of homeowners do not keep their dogs on a lease as required by Fairfax County laws nor do they pick up their dog’s waste. If you can take a picture or know the name of violators, please provide that information to Thurmon so he can contact the offending owners.
- Use of grounds by adjoining neighborhoods, specifically those non-residents who park on Franconia Road and use the pond for fishing.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Edison High School (Cafeteria)
5801 Franconia Road
Alexandria, VA 22310
Call to Order
Lenwood Roberts, President of the Board of Directors, called the meeting to order on Thursday, September 25, 2008, at 7:20 p.m. in the cafeteria of Edison High School, Alexandria Virginia.
Verification of Quorum
It was announced that 37 owners were represented either in person or by proxy at the meeting. The quorum requirement for the meeting was represented either in person or by proxy of the owners of not less than 32 lots (20% of the 157 lots in the community).
Lenwood Roberts introduced himself and other members of the Board of Directors.
Lenwood Roberts, Board Member, President
Thurmon Deloney, Board Member, Vice President
Mary Hawkins, Board Member, Secretary
Lynn Roberts, Armstrong Management Services, Inc. representative
Proof of Notice of Meeting
Lenwood Roberts showed the proof of notice for the Annual Meeting that was sent by mail.
Minutes of the 2007 Annual Meeting
The Minutes of the 2007 Annual Meeting were presented to the members and approved.
Review of Financial Statements
President Roberts reported that a draft 2009 budget has been developed and will be distributed in the homeowners packages. The Board had to raise the quarterly homeowner fee by 2% in 2009 to cover a minor shortfall in Association Reserves.
Reports of Officers of the Board
President Lenwood Roberts gave a brief overview of the projects that were accomplished throughout the year, which included the following:
- Contracted to remove dead or dying trees in common areas
- Contracted for additional watering care of trees and vegetation in common areas
- Contracted to substitute “No Parking” and “Fire Lane” signs throughout community with two signs at each main entrance
- Contracted to repaint speed limit signs at main entrances
- Contracted to install “No Trespassing” signs in main traffic areas of community
- Repaired damaged guard rail along Franconia pathway
The following projects are being discussed to implement during the remainder of 2008 and in 2009:
- Reseal streets and pathways (5 year cycle)
- Cut underbrush around Tot Lot
- Paint community railings and gates
- Remove dead trees
Resident and realtor Bob Bazzle gave a brief overview of the effect of the housing market on the Governors Grove Community, giving a fairly positive report based on information from a recent local economic summit. He also answered some questions from residents.
Committee Reports
Sandye Blalock, LARC Chairman, gave a brief report from the Landscape and Architectural Committee (LARC). She emphasized the improved application process introduced this past year, which made request forms available electronically with submissions via a local drop box. She reminded the community members of the availability to contract with Springfield Nursery for lawn mowing.
Sandye noted that a number of units in the community will need repainting in the coming year; she has the approved exterior colors for Carr Homes and solicited help for getting the list of appropriate original colors for Beazer Homes. While Beazer home lamppost lights need to be painted high gloss black, we are still researching replacements for the Carr Homes fading brass light fixtures.
She gave an update on the status of the Dewberry development, discussing the latest revised proposal from the developer and answered questions. During the discussion, it was noted that several homeowners would like to look into adding fencing between our subdivision and the new one.
Lenwood solicited volunteers for the all committees.
Sheilah Harrison gave a brief summary of the Newsletter status and new e-mail notification process. She also solicited newsletter inputs and help from community members, with the goal of an informative quarterly newsletter.
There was no member of the Neighborhood Watch Committee present to give a report as the Northrops were on vacation
He also asked owners of Beazer Homes to please paint their lamppost and outside light fixture a glossy black. You do not need individual approval by the Board, (currently rows aren’t consistent)
Board Member Election
Lenwood Roberts’ 3 year term ended and his position was open for a vote at this Association meeting. Scott Lawson volunteered, and was nominated for the position. All were in favor, none opposed.
New Business
Lynn Roberts brought up a requirement by Fairfax County during a recent inspection to repair two spillways around the pond. Repairs have been scheduled.
Resident Vince Rivellese attended a Lee District meeting which covered the upcoming installation of optical fiber for high-speed, high definition service. Residents had noted survey stakes which appeared in the neighborhood. He found that Verizon was responsible, in preparation for eventual laying of fiber optic cable.
Open Forum
Residents brought up various concerns, including residents who block the sidewalks with trash and recycling receptacles on trash days, and those who leave their loud, specially-configured vehicles idling, disturbing their neighbors.
Mary Hawkins gave an update on the proposed Islamic Center located opposite the community on Franconia Rd. The founders of the Islamic Center postponed indefinitely their appeal of the parking and other zoning concerns of the Board of Zoning Appeals.
Two Committee Volunteers: Susan Perry will assist Sheilah Harrison with the newsletter committee. Harvey Johnson will be the new Grounds Committee chair.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Clermont Elementary School (Cafeteria)
5720 Clermont Drive
Alexandria, VA 22310
Call to Order Lenwood Roberts, President of the Board of Directors, called the meeting to order on Thursday, October 4, 2007, at 7:15 p.m. in the cafeteria of Clermont Elementary School, Alexandria, Virginia.Verification of QuorumIt was announced that owners of 38 were represented either in person or by proxy at the meeting. The quorum requirement for the meeting was represented either in person or by proxy of the owners of not less than 32 lots (20% of the 157 lots in the community).Introductions Lenwood Roberts introduced himself and other members of the Board of Directors.PresentLenwood Roberts, PresidentThurmon Deloney, Vice PresidentSheilah Harrison, Temporary Board Member
Randy Lyons, Armstrong Management Services, Inc.Proof of Notice of Meeting
Lenwood Roberts showed the proof of notice for the Annual Meeting that was sent by mail.Minutes of the 2006 Annual MeetingThe Minutes of the 2006 Annual Meeting were reviewed and approved. Review of Financial StatementsPresident Roberts reported that the 2008 budget has been developed and was distributed in the homeowners packages. The Board had to raise the quarterly homeowner fee of $187.83 by 10% in 2008. The new total will be $206.61.Reports of Officers of the BoardPresident Lenwood Roberts gave a brief overview of the projects that were accomplished throughout the year, which included the following:
- Contracted to remove the overgrowth of foliage around the Tot Lot for safety
- Contracted to remove dirt, debris and sand left on the roads and parking spaces following the winter snows
- Contracted to remove five dead trees from various common areas
- Common area trees were watered twice a week during the weeks of the drought, for a cost of $3000. It was suggested that water bags be placed around the common trees, and homeowners “adopt” a tree and be responsible for keeping the water bags filled
- Contracted to replace light fixtures around the two entrances
- Installed Visitor Parking Only signs at various locations throughout the community
- Contracted to paint the community mailboxes
- Installed two additional trash receptacles at the tennis court and West Entrance pathway
- Arranged for a group discount for homeowners to have lamp posts and Beazer light fixtures painted
- Contracted to Fire Lane signs removed throughout the community, and to have them replaced by one sign at each of the East and West entrances
There was discussion of the proposed budget, with the discussion centering on various topics about maintenance of the common areas. The budget was approved with the proposed 10% increase.
It was suggested that the current common area landscaping contract be expanded to include the owners area as well (excluding flower beds), to provide a uniform look throughout the community. There was additional discussion of other landscaping topics and board setting of priorities for maintenance of common areas.
There was additional discussion of what to do about residents who seem to store their additional vehicles in common area parking spaces. There is no enforcement authority in the county outside of lapsed registrations or vehicles which do not move more than 2 feet in a month.
A homeowner asked if the speed limit sign on the west side could be moved closer to the entrance to reduce speeding; the board and homeowners thought that was a good idea and will act on the suggestion.Nominations were taken to replace interim board member Sheilah Harrison. Mary Hawkins was nominated and approved.Board member Sheilah Harrison informed homeowners that she would send newsletters and updates to homeowners via email.
Architectural Committee Report
Sandye Blalock presented the updated Architectural Committee Guidelines. She encouraged the residents to water and cut the grass; only a few residents had not cut their grass. She also encouraged owners to repaint their lamps and posts. There were questions about sources for replacement fixtures; Lenwood and Sheilah knew of a source for Beazer homes. Sandye solicited help to find a Carr home replacement. There was discussion of the approved colors and styles for front door replacements. Sandye concluded by discussing the new submission process which speeds up the response time to owners for architectural modification requests.
Open Forum/New Business
Lenwood Roberts mentioned the upcoming end of the Armstrong Management contract in January 08. Sheilah Harrison will lead the effort to get the solicitation process started. She asked for volunteers to serve on the committee to get bids from Armstrong Management and at least two other Association contractors. The process, including board final decision, must be completed by the end of November 07.
A resident asked for an additional street light to be installed to illuminate a very dark area near the tennis courts. The board took the action to investigate the cost and placement.
One resident asked what could be done about the same few vendors who illegally solicit our neighborhood. Many residents called the Papa John Pizza and home cleaning vendors, but were ignored. Randy Lyons suggested forwarding the action to the association’s lawyer to submit a letter threatening action.
The meeting concluded with the drawing for the door prize, which was for waiving of the next quarterly assessment.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.